Xylon Schweiz. 80 Years
Sa, 08.06.2024 – Su, 01.09.2024

In 2024 we are celebrating 80 years of Xylon Switzerland: The group exhibition provides insights into the versatile, contemporary creations by the members of the Swiss section of the “Internationalen Vereinigung der Holzschneiderinnen und Holzschneider Xylon (International Society of Wood Engravers Xylon)”.

A group of wood engravers who had first joined forces as the “Schweizerische Vereinigung XYLOS (Swiss Society XYLOS)” in 1944, founded the “Internationale Vereinigung der Holzschneider XYLON (International Society of Wood Engravers XYLON)” in Zurich in 1953. Today the Swiss section comprises about 50 artists who give special attention to relief printing in their work and have manifest connections to Switzerland. The activities of Xylon Switzerland include group exhibitions at home and abroad, as well as the publication of the Xylon magazine with original woodcuts.

The exhibition is curated by Anna Wesle and Catharina Vogel and will be accompanied by an anniversary catalogue.
